The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland has issued a new child safeguarding policy document that all Religious Orders have signed up to. The policy document ‘A Safe and Welcoming Church, Safeguarding Children Policy and

Child Safeguarding Policy Statement of the Constituent Members of the Anglo Irish Province

It is the policy of the Discalced Carmelite Order, Anglo Irish Province to do everything in our power to safeguard the welfare of Children, Young People and Adults …

General Chapter in Rome 2021

Fr John Grennan as Provincial representing the Anglo-Irish Province met with Pope Francis during the General Chapter in Rome.

CAPIO – Carmelite Prisoners Interest Organization

CAPIO aims at restoring the human rights and dignity of

What is God’s plan for you? A Vocation is from God.

God calls each of us to live in love with him. We live that love in marriage or single life, in priestly or religious life.

A call to religious …