The month of July is always a special month in the life of every Carmelite as we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel on July 16th. It is a celebration to leads back to our root and our beginning on Mount Carmel in Palestine, with the Blessed Virgin Mary as our sister and our Protector. Throughout the history of the Order, and especially at very critical moments, Mary has proved her maternal care by always there, interceding for us with her Son, and shielding us with her mantle of love.
This year’s celebration is unique as it also coincides with the 150th anniversary of the birth of St Thérèse of the Child Jesus, who has given us so much with her own commitment to the life that we live now. The celebration will also see two of our friars, Emmanuel Omaba and Johnbosco Ezeakacha, making their solemn profession at Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St Simon Stock parish, Kensington, London on the same day.
So, on this special feast of the Order, I invite us all to thank God for the gift of vocation to this wonderful family of Carmel, and also to look back at where we have traversed while looking forward to the future with enthusiasm, hope and trust. Our life is a gift and responsibility that comes with its own unique challenges. Yet, those challenges are the realities that spice up our vocation and relevance in the world today. Let us approach Our Mother Mary, whom Thérèse tells us is more a mother than a queen, and place ourselves under her patronage that we may totally be under her maternal eyes and care.
As part of the celebration there will be a vigil talk online. I invite those who can to join us with the following link………
I wish you all a very joyful and fulfilling celebration. O Queen and Beauty of Carmel, Watch over us.