Carmelite Sisters
‘In this house all must be friends
All must be helped
All must be loved
All must be held dear’.
(Teresa of Avila)

Carmelite Sisters of Ireland

‘In this house all must be friends
All must be helped
All must be loved
All must be held dear’.
(Teresa of Avila)
In 1988, the Anglo-Irish Province was invited to take up a mission in Nigeria. The Order was soon blessed with local vocations and is now a region within the Province with over fifty friars and eleven Houses in Enugu, Nsukka, …
The Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites (OCDS) is an integral part of the Carmelite Order. They live according to the Rule of St Albert and have their own Constitutions. They are composed mainly of lay people, but also of secular …
Our Community:
Fr John Grennan, OCD (Prior) and Fr Stephen Quinn, OCD
About us:
Iona Carmelite Retreat Centre is better known locally as Termonbacca, the name of the townland in which it is situated. The word Termonbacca comes from the …
For over 700 years Carmelite Friars have lived, prayed and ministered in Loughrea. This presence has been supported by the good people of Loughrea town, the hinterland as well as much further afield.
Now we face new challenges to meet new …
As a constituent member of the Catholic Church in Ireland, we recognise and uphold the dignity and rights of all children, are committed to ensuring their …
Introduction: What is this handbook about?
The Order of Discalced Carmelites in Ireland follow the Safeguarding Children Policy and Standards for the Catholic Church in Ireland 2016, the overarching policy on Safeguarding Children for all bodies in the Catholic Church …
This statement has been prepared to comply with the requirements of the Children First Act 2015 and is derived from Safeguarding Children Policy and Standards for the Catholic Church in Ireland 2016. The policy of the Catholic …
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